How to Create and Optimize Amazon Sponsored Display Campaigns


Amazon Sponsored Display campaigns emerge as a potent advertising tool, empowering sellers to showcase their products to a broader audience and bolster sales. Leveraging our 45 years of combined experience and with operational hubs in London and New York, Sellerscourts is poised to navigate you through the intricacies of crafting and optimizing Sponsored Display campaigns for optimal outcomes. In this comprehensive blog post, we delve into the fundamentals of Sponsored Display campaigns, elucidate their benefits, and furnish insights on creating and refining them to unlock unparalleled success.

What Are Amazon Sponsored Display Campaigns?

Sponsored Display campaigns epitomize a self-service advertising solution, granting sellers the latitude to promote their products not only on Amazon but also across the broader internet landscape. These ads materialize on product detail pages, search results pages, and even on third-party websites, affording sellers the opportunity to engage potential customers at various stages of the purchasing journey.

Benefits of Amazon Sponsored Display Campaigns:

Embracing Sponsored Display campaigns engenders several advantages:

  • Augmented Product Visibility: Sponsored Display ads command attention by positioning products prominently on Amazon and beyond, amplifying their visibility.
  • Enhanced Targeting Options: Sellers can precision-target specific customer segments predicated on their shopping behavior, ensuring ads resonate with the right audience.
  • Flexible Budget and Bidding Options: Sponsored Display campaigns furnish sellers with the autonomy to stipulate their budget and bidding strategy, thus exercising control over advertising costs.

Creating Your Sponsored Display Campaign:

Embark on the path to a successful Sponsored Display campaign by adhering to these steps:

  • Define Your Campaign Objective: Clarify the campaign’s goal, whether it’s fostering product awareness, consideration, or outright sales.
  • Select Your Targeting Strategy: Elect between audience targeting (based on customer shopping behavior) or product targeting (predicated on specific products or categories).
  • Set Your Budget and Bids: Establish a daily budget and opt for a bidding strategy harmonious with your campaign objectives.
  • Craft Your Ad Creative: Fabricate compelling ad creatives utilizing Amazon’s ad builder or upload custom creations that showcase your product and brand ethos.

Optimizing Your Sponsored Display Campaign:

To maximize campaign performance, consider these optimization tactics:

  • Vigilant Performance Monitoring: Routinely scrutinize campaign metrics like impressions, clicks, and sales to discern areas ripe for enhancement.
  • Refine Targeting and Bids: Fine-tune your targeting strategy and bid adjustments to ensure ads resonate with the right audience and yield desired outcomes.
  • Ad Creative Testing: Experiment with diverse ad creatives to discern those resonating most effectively with your target demographic.
  • Leverage Negative Targeting: Harness negative targeting to exclude irrelevant products or categories, thereby curtailing wasted ad spend and enhancing campaign efficiency.

How Sellerscourts Can Help:

Sellerscourts stands ready to lend indispensable support in crafting and optimizing your Sponsored Display campaigns:

  • Tailored Campaign Strategy: We’ll craft a bespoke Sponsored Display campaign strategy congruent with your business objectives.
  • Guidance on Targeting Strategies: Sellerscourts will offer insights on targeting strategies, budgeting, and bidding to ensure ads reach the intended audience and drive results.
  • Ad Creative Design: Our specialists will assist in conceiving compelling ad creatives that effectively showcase your product and brand identity.
  • Ongoing Optimization Support: Benefit from continual campaign optimization support to refine Sponsored Display initiatives and foster greater success.

Sponsored Display Best Practices:

Enhance your Sponsored Display campaigns by adhering to these best practices:

  • Establish Realistic Goals: Define clear and attainable campaign objectives aligned with overarching business goals.
  • Campaign Segmentation: Group products sharing similar performance metrics and target demographics into distinct campaigns for streamlined management.
  • Utilize High-Quality Visuals: Employ high-resolution images and succinct product titles in ad creatives to augment visual allure and entice potential customers.
  • Stay Abreast of Amazon’s Advertising Features: Regularly acquaint yourself with Amazon’s advertising updates and new features to leverage cutting-edge tools and strategies.

Monitoring and Analyzing Your Sponsored Display Campaigns:

Continuous monitoring and analysis are pivotal to campaign success:

  • Custom Reporting: Leverage Amazon’s reporting tools to craft custom reports tracking pertinent performance metrics aligned with campaign objectives.
  • Routine Performance Evaluation: Assess campaign performance on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, effecting necessary adjustments to enhance outcomes.
  • Comparative Analysis: Contrast Sponsored Display campaign performance against other advertising endeavors to gauge effectiveness and pinpoint areas for improvement.

Scaling Your Sponsored Display Campaigns:

Once a successful campaign blueprint is established, consider scaling efforts for maximal impact:

  • Budget Expansion: Gradually augment daily budgets to propel impressions, clicks, and ultimately, sales.
  • Targeting Diversification: Broaden targeting parameters to encompass additional customer segments, products, or categories conducive to business objectives.
  • New Campaign Launches: Introduce fresh Sponsored Display campaigns for unexplored products or untapped audience segments to bolster overall brand presence.


Amazon Sponsored Display campaigns represent a pivotal avenue for sellers keen on augmenting product visibility and driving sales. Armed with a nuanced understanding of Sponsored Display fundamentals and fortified by Sellerscourts’ expertise, sellers can craft and optimize campaigns poised for unrivaled success in 2023 and beyond.

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