Amazon Global Selling: How to Expand Your Business to New Markets in 2023


In the age of e-commerce, expanding your business to international markets has never been more accessible. One of the most popular platforms for reaching a global audience is Amazon Global Selling. As an Amazon seller, tapping into this powerful program can boost your sales, increase your brand’s visibility, and help you conquer new territories.

As an Amazon agency with 45 years of combined experience and offices in London and New York, Sellerscourts is here to guide you through the process of leveraging Amazon Global Selling in 2023. In this blog post, we’ll share valuable insights and tips on how to become a successful Amazon global seller and expand your business to new markets.

Understanding the Amazon Global Selling Program:

Amazon Global Selling is a program designed to help sellers expand their business to international markets by reaching millions of customers across the globe. It enables businesses to list and sell products on Amazon’s international marketplaces, such as,,, and many others.

By participating in the Amazon Global Selling program, you can:


Access new customers and markets

Diversify your sales and revenue streams

Increase brand awareness and visibility

Benefit from Amazon’s fulfillment and customer service infrastructure

Becoming an Amazon Global Seller: Key Steps to Success


To become an Amazon global seller and make the most of the Amazon Global Selling program, follow these key steps:

Choose your target market(s): Identify which international marketplaces are best suited for your products and business. Consider factors such as customer demand, competition, and local regulations. It’s also essential to research cultural differences and local preferences to tailor your offerings accordingly.

Register your account: Register your Amazon Global Selling account, either by creating a new Amazon seller account or upgrading your existing one. This process will require you to provide relevant business and tax information, as well as agree to Amazon’s international selling policies.

Product listing: Create product listings for each target marketplace, ensuring you optimize them according to local SEO best practices. This includes translating titles, descriptions, and keywords into the local language, using high-quality images, and providing relevant product information.

Fulfillment strategy: Choose the best fulfillment method for your business. Amazon offers multiple options, such as Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) or Merchant Fulfilled Network (MFN). FBA allows you to store your products in Amazon’s international fulfillment centers, while MFN requires you to manage your inventory and shipping logistics.

Set your pricing: Determine the pricing strategy for your products in each marketplace, taking into account factors like currency conversion, taxes, shipping costs, and competitor pricing.

Advertise and promote: Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy for each target market to increase product visibility and drive sales. Use Amazon Advertising tools, such as Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display, to reach potential customers and drive traffic to your listings.

Manage your global business: Track your international sales and performance through the Amazon Seller Central dashboard, analyze customer feedback, and continually optimize your product listings and marketing strategies.

Expert Tips for Amazon Global Selling Success:

As an experienced Amazon agency, we’d like to share some expert tips to help you thrive as an Amazon global seller:

Be prepared for taxes and regulations: Navigating international taxes and regulations can be complex. Familiarize yourself with the tax laws, import/export regulations, and product compliance requirements in each target market to avoid legal and financial issues.

Prioritize customer service: Providing excellent customer service is essential for success in any marketplace. Ensure your support team is equipped to handle inquiries in the local language and time zone, and be prepared to address returns, refunds, and other customer issues promptly.

Localize your content: Tailor your product listings and marketing materials to the specific preferences, cultural nuances, and language of each target market. This will help you connect with local customers and increase the likelihood of making a sale.

Monitor your competition: Keep a close eye on your competitors in each market to understand their pricing strategies, product offerings, and marketing tactics. Use this information to refine your approach and stay ahead of the competition.

Invest in professional translations: High-quality translations are crucial for reaching international customers. Consider hiring professional translators or using a translation service to ensure your product listings and marketing materials are accurate and culturally appropriate.

Test and optimize: Continuously analyze your sales data, customer feedback, and marketing performance to identify areas for improvement. Use this information to optimize your product listings, pricing, and marketing strategies for better results.

Leverage Amazon’s tools and resources: Take advantage of Amazon’s wide range of seller resources, such as Amazon Brand Registry, Amazon Advertising, and Amazon Seller University, to help you grow your global business.

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