How to Handle Unauthorized Sellers and MAP Violations on Amazon in 2023


Unauthorized sellers and Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) violations on Amazon can cause significant damage to your brand’s reputation, customer experience, and profits. As a brand owner, it’s crucial to know how to handle these issues effectively. In this blog post, we’ll share expert insights from Sellerscourts, an Amazon agency with 45 years of combined experience and offices in London and New York, on how to tackle unauthorized sellers and MAP violations on Amazon.

Identifying Unauthorized Sellers:

The first step in addressing unauthorized sellers on Amazon is to identify them. Unauthorized sellers may be reselling your products without permission or offering counterfeit items. Keep an eye on your product listings and monitor any new sellers that appear.

Send Cease and Desist Letters:

Once you’ve identified unauthorized sellers, send them a cease and desist letter requesting that they stop selling your products. Make it clear that they are violating your intellectual property rights, and provide a deadline for compliance. Maintain records of your communications for future reference.

Report Intellectual Property Violations to Amazon:

If unauthorized sellers continue to sell your products after receiving a cease and desist letter, report the infringement to Amazon. Provide evidence of your intellectual property rights and documentation of your attempts to resolve the issue directly with the seller.

Monitor MAP Compliance:

To protect your brand’s value and maintain a level playing field for all authorized sellers, it’s essential to enforce MAP policies consistently. Regularly review the prices of your products listed on Amazon and notify sellers of any MAP violations.

Establish a Brand Registry:

Enrolling in Amazon’s Brand Registry program provides additional tools and resources to help protect your brand, such as the ability to remove infringing listings and access to advanced reporting features. Ensure that your brand is registered with Amazon and take advantage of these tools to combat unauthorized sellers and MAP violations.

Implement a Proactive Distribution Strategy:

Preventing unauthorized sellers from obtaining your products is crucial in reducing the prevalence of unauthorized sales on Amazon. Implement a selective distribution strategy by choosing trusted partners, monitoring their adherence to your distribution policies, and limiting the availability of your products through unauthorized channels.

Legal Action:

If all else fails, consider taking legal action against persistent unauthorized sellers. Consult with an attorney experienced in intellectual property and e-commerce law to discuss your options and determine the best course of action for your brand.


Unauthorized sellers and MAP violations on Amazon can pose significant challenges for brand owners, but with the right strategies in place, you can protect your brand and ensure a consistent customer experience. By following the steps outlined above and leveraging the expertise of Sellerscourts, an Amazon agency with 45 years of combined experience and offices in London and New York, you’ll be well-equipped to handle these issues effectively and maintain control over your brand’s presence on Amazon.

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