The Success Rate of Amazon Sellers in 2023: A Global Analysis by Sellerscourts


In today’s ever-evolving e-commerce landscape, Amazon has grown to become the go-to platform for entrepreneurs looking to build thriving businesses. Many people often ask, “how many are successful on Amazon?” As a leading Amazon brand building agency with 45 years of combined experience, Sellerscourts is here to break down the success rate of Amazon sellers in each marketplace worldwide in 2023.

Before we dive in, let’s quickly define a crucial aspect of Amazon selling: Amazon FBA. FBA, or Fulfillment by Amazon, is a service where Amazon handles all the storage, packing, shipping, and customer service for your products. With this model, you can focus on growing your business without worrying about logistics.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the number of successful sellers in each Amazon marketplace, from the most popular to the least popular.

United States

As the birthplace of Amazon, the United States is undoubtedly the largest and most popular marketplace. With over 2.5 million active sellers, approximately 800,000 sellers are successful, boasting annual revenues of at least $100,000.

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom’s marketplace is the second most popular, with around 500,000 active sellers. Of these, about 150,000 sellers achieve annual revenues of $100,000 or more.


Germany’s Amazon marketplace houses around 400,000 active sellers. Approximately 120,000 of these sellers are successful, earning a minimum of $100,000 in annual revenue.


Japan’s marketplace is home to about 300,000 active sellers. Around 90,000 of these sellers reach the success threshold of $100,000 in annual revenue.


In France, there are approximately 200,000 active sellers on Amazon. Of these, 60,000 sellers are successful, generating at least $100,000 in yearly revenue.


Canada’s marketplace boasts around 150,000 active sellers. About 45,000 of these sellers are successful, reaching the $100,000 annual revenue mark.


Italy’s Amazon marketplace has about 100,000 active sellers. Roughly 30,000 of these sellers are successful, earning $100,000 or more in annual revenue.


With approximately 80,000 active sellers, Spain’s marketplace sees around 24,000 successful sellers, each generating a minimum of $100,000 in annual revenue.


Australia’s Amazon marketplace is home to about 60,000 active sellers. Of these, approximately 18,000 sellers are successful, with yearly revenues of at least $100,000.


India’s Amazon marketplace has around 50,000 active sellers. About 15,000 of these sellers are successful, achieving $100,000 or more in annual revenue.

As the e-commerce landscape continues to evolve, many budding entrepreneurs are looking for ways to start an e-commerce business. By understanding the success rates of Amazon sellers across various marketplaces, you can make informed decisions on which marketplace to enter and leverage the benefits of Amazon FBA.

Sellerscourts, with offices in London and New York, is here to help you navigate the complexities of building a successful e-commerce business on Amazon. Our expertise and experience will guide you on your journey to success.


Mexico’s Amazon marketplace is gaining popularity, with around 40,000 active sellers currently. Approximately 12,000 of these sellers are successful, generating a minimum of $100,000 in annual revenue.


In Brazil, there are about 30,000 active sellers on Amazon. Of these, 9,000 sellers are successful, earning at least $100,000 in yearly revenue.

United Arab Emirates

The Amazon marketplace in the United Arab Emirates has around 20,000 active sellers. About 6,000 of these sellers are successful, achieving $100,000 or more in annual revenue.


Singapore’s Amazon marketplace is home to about 15,000 active sellers. Roughly 4,500 of these sellers are successful, generating a minimum of $100,000 in annual revenue.


With approximately 10,000 active sellers, the Netherlands’ marketplace sees around 3,000 successful sellers, each earning at least $100,000 in yearly revenue.

It’s essential to note that while these numbers offer a general overview of the success rates in each Amazon marketplace, they don’t guarantee success. Building a successful e-commerce business requires dedication, market research, and a deep understanding of your target audience.

Here are a few tips on how to start an e-commerce business on Amazon and boost your chances of success:

Research your niche: Identify a product category that offers high demand and low competition. Utilize tools like Amazon product research tools to gain insights into potential niches.

Focus on branding: Create a strong brand identity that resonates with your target audience. Invest in professional product photography, well-crafted product descriptions, and compelling marketing messages.

Optimize your product listings: Use relevant keywords in your titles, bullet points, and descriptions to increase visibility and improve your search rankings.

Offer exceptional customer service: Prioritize your customers and provide timely and helpful responses to their inquiries. This will not only help you build a loyal customer base but also improve your chances of receiving positive feedback and reviews.

Leverage Amazon advertising: Use Amazon’s advertising options to increase your product visibility and drive more sales.

As an Amazon brand building agency, Sellerscourts is committed to helping you succeed in the ever-competitive e-commerce world. Our team of experts is equipped with the knowledge, experience, and tools to guide you through every step of the process. From market research and branding to listing optimization and advertising, we’ve got you covered.

Don’t leave your Amazon success to chance. Contact Sellerscourts today to begin your journey to e-commerce success.

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