Amazon Sponsored Products: A Beginner’s Guide to PPC Advertising in 2023


Amazon Sponsored Products is a powerful advertising tool that allows sellers to promote their products within Amazon’s search results and product detail pages. With millions of customers shopping on Amazon daily, leveraging Sponsored Product Ads can significantly boost your visibility and sales. In this beginner’s guide, we at Sellerscourt, an Amazon agency with 45 years of combined experience, will walk you through the essentials of Amazon Sponsored Products and how to make the most of your PPC advertising efforts in 2023.

Understanding Amazon Sponsored Products

Amazon Sponsored Products is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising solution that enables sellers to promote their products on Amazon. Sponsored Product Ads are displayed in search results and on product detail pages, providing increased visibility and helping drive sales. You only pay when a customer clicks on your ad, making it a cost-effective advertising option.

Benefits of Amazon Sponsored Product Ads

There are several benefits to using Amazon Sponsored Products, including:

  • Increased visibility: Your products appear in prominent positions within search results and product detail pages.
  • Targeted advertising: You can target specific keywords, products, or customer interests to reach relevant shoppers.
  • Pay-per-click model: You only pay when a customer clicks on your ad, ensuring cost-effective advertising.
  • Easy-to-use: Sponsored Products is user-friendly and accessible to sellers of all experience levels.

Setting Up Your Amazon Sponsored Product Campaign

To set up an Amazon Sponsored Product campaign, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Amazon Seller Central account.
  2. Click on the “Advertising” tab, then select “Campaign Manager.”
  3. Click “Create campaign” and choose “Sponsored Products.”
  4. Enter your campaign details, including the campaign name, start and end dates, and daily budget.
  5. Choose your targeting method: Automatic or Manual.
    • Automatic targeting: Amazon will automatically target relevant keywords based on your product listing.
    • Manual targeting: You manually select the keywords or products you want to target.
  6. Add the products you want to advertise.
  7. Set your default bid or custom bids for each keyword or product.
  8. Review your campaign settings and click “Launch Campaign.”

Choosing the Right Keywords and Bidding Strategy

When setting up your Amazon Sponsored Product campaign, keyword selection and bidding strategy are crucial. For manual targeting, use Amazon’s keyword recommendations or conduct keyword research using third-party tools. Choose relevant, high-traffic keywords that accurately represent your product. Your bidding strategy should be based on your campaign goals and budget. Start with a moderate bid and gradually increase it based on your ad performance and competition. Monitor your campaigns regularly and adjust your bids accordingly to optimize your ad spend and ROI.

Amazon Sponsored Product Cost

The cost of Amazon Sponsored Products varies depending on factors such as competition, bidding strategy, and product niche. As a PPC advertising solution, you only pay when a customer clicks on your ad. The cost-per-click (CPC) can range from a few cents to several dollars, depending on the keyword’s competitiveness. To maximize your budget, focus on optimizing your bids and targeting the most relevant keywords for your products.

Monitoring and Optimizing Your Campaigns

Regularly monitoring your Amazon Sponsored Product campaigns is essential for maximizing their effectiveness. Track key performance metrics such as impressions, clicks, click-through rate (CTR), CPC, and advertising cost of sales (ACoS). Analyze this data to identify trends and areas for improvement. Adjust your bids, keywords, and targeting strategy accordingly to optimize your campaigns and maximize your ROI.

Utilizing Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are an essential aspect of optimizing your Amazon Sponsored Product campaigns. By adding negative keywords, you prevent your ads from appearing in searches that aren’t relevant to your product, reducing wasted ad spend. Regularly review your search term reports and add irrelevant or low-performing keywords as negative keywords to refine your targeting strategy.

Exploring Advanced Amazon Advertising Options

Once you’re comfortable with Amazon Sponsored Products, consider exploring other Amazon Advertising options to further enhance your PPC strategy:

  • Sponsored Brands: These ads showcase your brand logo, a custom headline, and multiple products. They’re ideal for increasing brand awareness and promoting multiple products simultaneously.
  • Sponsored Display: Sponsored Display ads target customers based on their interests or specific products. These ads appear on and off Amazon, expanding your reach beyond the platform.

Partnering with an Amazon Agency

Managing and optimizing Amazon Sponsored Product campaigns can be time-consuming and complex. Partnering with an experienced Amazon agency, like Sellerscourt, can help you maximize your advertising efforts and drive better results. Our team of experts has 45 years of combined experience and can develop tailored advertising strategies to meet your specific goals.


Amazon Sponsored Products is a powerful advertising tool that can significantly boost your product visibility and sales on the platform. By understanding the basics, selecting the right keywords, bidding strategically, and monitoring your campaigns, you can make the most of your PPC advertising efforts. As you gain experience, consider exploring other Amazon Advertising options and partnering with an Amazon agency to further enhance your strategy and achieve better results. At Sellerscourt, we specialize in Amazon PPC management and can help you succeed on the platform. With offices in London and New

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